Meet the president: Ambassador de la Fuente in conversation with Spoiler Alert
Eight questions for the president of the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

On the eve of the opening of the nuclear ban meeting in New York, Spoiler Alert’s Beatrice Fihn interviewed the Mexican meeting President to find out where he hopes the meeting will make progress as well as throwing some quickfire questions to get to know the person behind the suit.
(Answers have been edited for length and clarity.)
What important impact do you expect to see this week?
We have a world-class scientific advisory group. It will be the first time ever a scientific group has been constituted as part of a multilateral discussion within a treaty on nuclear disarmament.
This is a very important development and can have a good effect on those who are more skeptical and distant to our arguments. I do believe that science is becoming more persuasive within general society and informing decisions on public and international policy. This is a big advantage in our discussions.
Youa are a trained psychiatrist. How doesthis help you in your efforts leading the meeting to a successful conclusion?
“Psychiatry is about understanding people…threats about the use of weapons, are made by human beings so if we understand people better, we may be able to deal with conflict better”.
Which delegation is the best dressed at the UN?
Kiribati. The Kiribati PR has some very unique neckties. So I would give it to him.

What’s the best regional group to hang out with at a bar or restaurant?
The Asia-Pacific group has a well-earned reputation for being very active on karaoke! So I would give it to them.
What do you listen to when you go on your way to work in the mornings?
Classical music. I try to avoid the news at that time! Once I'm in my car, I've already had enough information for the day. So I want to relax and listen to some music.
We had an interview with the ambassador of Kazakhstan just two days ago, and he told us that he has an active hobby (subscribe to Spoiler Alert for the answer). Do you have any fun hobbies?
I like biking a lot. That's been my sport for the last several years, I enjoy it very much. I do both. Stationary biking when the outside conditions are not good and going out to the park when the weather’s nice.
We heard that the Australian Permanent Representative recently gifted mini koala bears to delegates who were willing to make a compromise on a GA resolution. Does the Mexican government or you personally have any tricks like that up your sleeve?
Well, I wish I could take a mini koala bear back to Mexico. But no, dialogue is my tool: persuasive arguments, moving perhaps a little bit more into the deeper parts of the human being, analyzing complex conflicts. And being flexible. That's what I rely on.
At present, the nuclear weapons states remain stubbornly opposed to the TPNW: Do you think they will join the treaty in the future?
There are many examples where states were not very keen at the beginning. Then, eventually, as a treaty created a new legal atmosphere…they ended up joining. Based on that, I remain cautiously optimistic, but optimistic nonetheless.